W D Links And Cross References

Statiq Web provides a number of ways to link to documents.

Given a document you can generate a relative link to it using the GetLink() extension methods (for example, in a Razor template):

<a href="@Document.GetLink()">My Link</a>

A Razor HTML helper called DocumentLink() is also available that will create an entire link element:


A number of overloads exist to control things like link text:

@Html.DocumentLink(document, "My Link");

Cross References

Statiq Web also provides an alternate way of linking to documents via simple cross references that doesn't require you to have a document instance or know the document path. Cross references are indicated with a xref: URI scheme and use a special identifier to locate documents.

Every document gets an Xref value. By default this is derived from the document title (which itself is derived from the file name if a Title metadata value isn't provided). The default Xref value is the document title with spaces replaced by a -. For example, a document titled "Blog Posts" would have an Xref value of Blog-Posts. You can override the Xref value by specifying an alternate one in metadata.

If a link contains an xref: scheme, all documents will be searched for a matching Xref value and a link will be created to the matching document. If more than one document matches the requested identifier an error will be generated, in which case you should provide an alternate Xref metadata value for one of the target documents to remove the ambiguity. Identifiers are also case-insensitive, so xref:blog-posts will match a document with an Xref value of Blog-Posts.

Because the matching happens at the very end of the generation process, cross reference links can be used anywhere. For example, they can be used in Markdown documents like:

This is a [cross reference](xref:blog-posts) to a document.

Likewise, they can be used in plain HTML:

This is a <a href="xref:blog-posts">cross reference</a> to a document.

Cross referencing is especially useful when refactoring content because existing links will continue to point to a document's new location even if it moves around.

Changing The Default Cross Reference Name

The default xref value is computed by a global setting that gets inherited by every document. You can change how all or some documents compute their xref values by changing this setting.

For example, to use only the file name instead of the title when computing an xref you can add this to the bootstrapper:

.AddSetting(WebKeys.Xref, Config.FromDocument(doc => doc.Destination.FileNameWithoutExtension.Replace(' ', '-')))

Alternatively, if you just want to change it for a subset of files, you can use something like inherited directory metadata (in _directory.yaml):

Xref: => Config.FromDocument(doc => doc.Destination.FileNameWithoutExtension.Replace(' ', '-'))