W D Github Pages

Statiq can be configured to deploy to GitHub Pages.

Note that GitHub Pages must be activated for the target repository according to the instructions before deploying to it.

The following settings are used to configure deployment to GitHub Pages:

  • GitHubOwner: The owner of the repository (organization or individual).
  • GitHubName: The name of the repository.
  • GitHubUsername: The username to use for deployment.
  • GitHubPassword: The password to use for deployment.
  • GitHubToken: The token to use for deployment (configure either this or username and password). If deploying from a GitHub Action (see below), you should use a computed value to get the value of "GITHUB_TOKEN" for this value: => Config.FromSetting<string>("GITHUB_TOKEN").
  • GitHubBranch: The branch to deploy to (defaults to gh-pages but you should change this to the configured GitHub Pages branch such as main or master for organization sites).

It's customary to set one or more of these settings as an environment variable in continuous integration environments (particularly secrets like the password). In these scenarios you can either set an environment variable with the name of the setting or set the setting to an alternate environment variable (which itself will be added as a setting) using a computed value or configuration delegate.

Using a computed value in appsettings.json:

    "GitHubOwner": "statiqdev",
    "GitHubName": "statiqdev.github.io",
    "GitHubToken": "=> Config.FromSetting<string>(\"GITHUB_TOKEN\")"

The bootstrapper also has an extension method for configuring deployment:

return await Bootstrapper
    // ...

There's also an overload to deploy to a specific branch other than gh-pages:

return await Bootstrapper
    // ...

Note that the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is set automatically by GitHub Actions but needs to be passed to a script. The following is a simple GitHub Action definition to deploy a Statiq site:

name: Deploy Site
on: [push]

    runs-on: windows-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
        submodules: recursive
    - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
        dotnet-version: '3.1.100' # SDK Version to use.
    - run: dotnet run -- deploy
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}