AddProcess(bool?, ProcessTiming, bool, Func<IExecutionState, ProcessLauncher>) Method
Adds a new process.
Containing Type


public Processes AddProcess(bool? previewCommand, ProcessTiming processTiming, bool waitForExit, Func<IExecutionState, ProcessLauncher> getProcessLauncher)


Name Type Description
previewCommand bool? true to start the process for the preview command, false to start the process for non-preview commands, null to always start the process.
processTiming ProcessTiming When to start the process.
waitForExit bool true to wait for this process to exit before the next process timing phase, false to allow it to continue running in the background. This flag is only needed when IsBackground is true, otherwise the process will block until it exits.
getProcessLauncher Func<IExecutionState, ProcessLauncher> A factory that returns a process launcher.

Return Value

Type Description
Processes The process collection.