GetLink(string, string, string, string, string[], string[], bool, bool, bool) Method
Generates a normalized link given a path and other conditions.


public virtual string GetLink(string path, string host, string root, string scheme, string[] hidePages, string[] hideExtensions, bool lowercase, bool makeAbsolute, bool hiddenPageTrailingSlash)


Name Type Description
path string The path to get a link for.
host string The host for the link (or null to omit the host).
root string The root path for the link (or null for no root path).
scheme string The scheme for the link (or null for "http").
hidePages string[] An array of file names to hide (or null to not hide any files).
hideExtensions string[] An array of file extensions to hide (or null to not hide extensions or an empty array to hide all file extensions).
lowercase bool Indicates that the link should be rendered in all lowercase.
makeAbsolute bool If path is relative, setting this to true will assume the path relative from the root of the site and make it absolute by prepending a slash and root to the path. Otherwise, false will leave relative paths as relative and won't prepend a slash (but host, scheme, and root will have no effect). If path is absolute, this value has no effect and host, scheme, and root will be applied as appropriate.
hiddenPageTrailingSlash bool Indicates that a trailing slash should be appended when hiding a page due to hidePages. Setting to false means that hiding a page will result in the parent path without a trailing slash.

Return Value

Type Description
string A generated link.